"Abp. Thazath destroyed our archdiocese irreparably"- The Priestly Koinonia of the Trichur.

His Grace Mar Cyril Vasil S.J.,
Pontifical Delegate
The Priestly Koinonia of the Archeparchy of Trichur
Sub: Request for an effective involvment in the Liturgical issues and crisis prevelant in the Archeparchy of Trichur.
His Grace Mar Cyril Vasil S.J.,
Greetings from the Priestly koinonia of the Archeparchy of Trichur!
May we request Your Grace to involve effectively in the Liturgical issues and crisises prevalent in the Archeparchy of Trichur before and after the implementation of the synodal decision on the uniform mode of celebrating the Holy Eucharist.
The uniform mode of celebration was implemented by Archbishop Mar Andrews Thazhath in the Archeparchy of Trichur without any discussions, with utmost Force and threatening, with the high cost of destroying the unity of our Priestly koinonia and creating a clear division among the Parish communities. There were even direct interventions between priests and laity, there were some interventions in the parishes recommended and clearly guided from the part of Archeparchial authorities, such as the Archbishop Mar Andrews Thazhath himself, Auxiliary, Vicar Generals etc., evidences of which was given to the authorities earlier (Enclosure 1).
The mind of the Priests in the Archeparchy was well stated in all the meetings where they had a chance to express only after the decision was announced. 233 Priests out of c.300 working at the time in the territory signed a memorandum expressing our desire to have the Holy Mass facing the people (Enclosure 2).
The implementation was a pure matter of force and not of willingness or even compromise. This is destroying our church in an irreparable manner for a long time to come. Many Prests implemented it with a wounded heart to pretect the faithful from the calamities and others with a slavish obedience. Most of us still wait and hope for a review within few years as the Archbishop Mar Andrews convinced us.
A high level of indifference and non cooperation from the part of the faithful is reported in different Parishes. The attitude of the people towards church authorities and activities had turned negatively. The attendance of the faithful in the Holy Mass, Confessions and church gatherings diminished seriously. The shortage of priestly and religious vocations are evident. (Instead of 30 only 13 joined in the minor seminary this year.) The presence of the priests in the official archdiocesan events decreased alarmingly. The indifference of the Priests, Religious and Laity is so evident in all the levels of church activities. This situation destroys the unity and development of the Church, but the authorities are still turning their back on it.
The statement announcing that almost all the Eparchies except the Archeparchy of Ernakulam-Angamaly had implemented the uniform mode of celebration without any hesitation or resistance is utter false. There are a part of the religious, priests and laity in every Eparchy who are practising it with wounded hearts and waiting for the Holy See to intervene in a positive way. There are more than 10 Eparchies where strong resistance is shown through non cooperation and indifference and are waiting for the review or a Liturgical variant.
It is heart breaking to see the street protests and heave and haul at the Holy Sanctuaries of the parishes regarding this issue. Some statements of the authorities are shockingly deceptive leading even to misunderstanding. Taking into consideration the demands of the laity, priests and the religious with complete respect and obedience to the Holy See we would like to urge the authorities to review the decisions of the Syro-Malabar Synod taken in disguise or allow us a Liturgical variant for the good of the church.
With all our humility and regards,
Yours Faithfully,
Fr. John Ayyankanayil
For the Priestly Koinonia of the Archeparchy of Trichur.
1) Threats and Warnings of Archbishop Mar Andrews Thazhath.
2) Memorandum of the 233 Priests of the Archeparchy of Trichur requesting to continue the Holy Mass facing the people.