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Indian Catholic Church accused of sexual cover-Up and abuse of Power for Cardinal Allenchery

Updated: Jul 30, 2021

Syro Malabar Eastern rite in India and the Oriental Congregation under the leadership of Pope Francis embroiled in an intense controversy on a land scandal erupted from the suspicious role of the Cardinal George Alenchery, the head of the Church.

Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation of the Oriental Churches

Freelance Reporter/ USA

Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation of the Oriental Churches Syro Malabar Eastern rite in India and the Oriental Congregation under the leadership of Pope Francis embroiled in an intense controversy on a land scandal erupted from the suspicious role of the Cardinal George Alenchery, the head of the Church. Holy See and the Roman administration of Oriental Congregation are accused of flagrant abuse of power in handling the recent controversial prescription signed by the Cardinal Sandri to sell off the properties of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam, the major Archeparchy of an Indian Oriental Church. "This is absolutely the abuse of power and a new facet of colonial domination, that a Cardinal in Rome is making a land deal in India for his favour. It is like selling a property with a land title registered in the Indian Republic, where a Cardinal of vested interest acts as if he owns the land title in his name in the Indian Republic. It is absurd and another form of colonial domination." Mr. Shyju Antony of the Lay Progressive movement in India responded to the query. The letter from the Oriental Congregation was signed by Cardinal Sandri asking the Archbishop of Ernakulam Antony Kariyil to sell off two pieces of land belonging to the Archdiocese. The intention of sale deal in India's hot real estate market is for a lucrative business in the wake of the land scandal of Cardinal Allenchery, who is facing many civil and criminal offenses concerning the controversial land scandal. KPMG, an international auditing firm, confirmed the immoral and unethical modus operandi, which incurred millions of dollars of financial loss for the Archdiocese. The Synod of Syro Malabar Church concurred with the findings of the KPMG report, and subsequently, the Oriental Congregation ordered the need of restitution to the Archdiocese for the financial and moral shortcoming committed by an Eastern rite Church headed by Cardinal George Alenchery. The recent letter of Cardinal Sandri to complete the restitution process by alienating two pieces of land fetched another stalemate in the Cardinal land scandal in India. "The irony is this, the Head of the Oriental Congregation is authorizing to sell off the land which belongs to the Archdiocese of Ernakulam. Apparently, it is to complete the restitution process against the exorbitant loss the Archdiocese already suffered due to the immoral and unethical middlemen plot- employed in the land deal of Cardinal Allenchery. Rome does not get the gist of the matter, and now by the letter of Sandri target double loss to the Archdiocese and shabby orchestration of foolishness of the Oriental Congregation," responded by a lay member of the Syro Malabar Church Mr. Thomas Mathew.

Cardinal Geroge Allenchery, Head of the Syro Malabar Church

The land deal is a burning issue with one of the biggest Oriental Churches in India and the world, where the head of the Church is hiding in the suspicious land scandal without proper answers for more than three years where the national and international media are reporting to the public. The Catholic Church and Roman authorities are accused of the deliberate cover-up of the moral failure of a Synod and Cardinal. "We love Pope Francis and his policies of exposing the immoral activities of High-handed Church members like bishops and Cardinal, but here in India, faithful feel like hands of Pope Francis are tied up with another form of the mafia of Oriental Church administration. It is absolutely dangerous and destroying the trust in the leadership of the Catholic Church. People are tired of this, and Catholic Church is losing its credibility," Riju Kanjookaran of the Transparency Lay movement responded.

Phone calls to senior priests of the Archdiocese declined to commend as Cardinal Sandri's prescription insinuates the local ordinary's impending disciplinary actions if anyone raised the voice against the decision of profit-driven sell-off-plan of Cardinal Sandri. A priest who prefers to be incognito responded that " this is a violation of Canon law ( Church law) because Cardinal Sandri is asking Archbishop to derogate the Canons implied in need of canonical consultations of local Church before deciding to sell off or purchase land in the diocese. The mandate given by a Cardinal is a breach of Canonical norms of the Church itself. Using a law for his own use and abuse is a sign of autocratic authority over the Indian Church. The tone in the language used in the letter of Cardinal Sandri is dictatorial and racially undertoned, and it is unacceptable." Commended by Priest of the Archdiocese. Contacting Cardinal office Allechery, no comments received.

Rape accused Bishop Franco Mulakkal The land scandal is taking to a breaking point of India's moral and religious landscape where numerous religious vendetta and Hindu Political ideologies are at play. The cover-up of the sexual scandal of Rape accused Bishop Franco Mulakkal, and the secret conversation of Cardinal Allenchery aired by media are entangling his moral standing in the Catholic Church in India.

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