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Rome requires the wisdom of Solomon!  

Rome requires the wisdom of Solomon.  


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The Wisdom of Solomon 

We all know the story of the wisdom of Solomon, with two women claiming to be the mother of a child. One was the true mother, and the other was the false mother. When Solomon ordered the  child to be divided, the true mother came forward to save her child, while the false mother was content  to divide the child. Thus, Solomon discerned who the true mother was- the mother who did not want her child to be killed!

George Alencherry, a highly influential figure, has been involved in numerous illegal land deals and has been found guilty by various commissions. Where is Rome's wisdom? 

During the period of Covid, when the faithful had no possibility to participate directly in the holy mass (only through online media), Cardinal George Alencherry raised liturgical issues and tried to implement them by force. Where is Rome's wisdom? 

The cunning and crooked Cardinal Alencherry, before the Syro-Malabar Synod, requested a letter from the Holy Father and used the letter to convince the synodal members that the Holy See wanted a uniform way of celebration. Even though there was disagreement, he informed Rome that "we  unanimously agreed," which was a lie. Where is Rome's wisdom? 

Rome appointed Bishop Jacob Manathodath to investigate Alencherry's illegal land deals, and when  Bishop Jacob Manathodath was about to present his report, an immediate order came from Rome  cancelling his appointment as the administrator of Ernakulam- Angamly. Where is Rome's wisdom? 

Rome appointed Bishop Antony Kariyil, who was a good shepherd. However, before completing his term,  the Apostolic Nuncio asked him to resign as directed by Rome. Where is Rome's wisdom? 

Then came the new appointment of Dictator Bishop Andrews Thazhath (the corrupt bishop favoured by Cardinal George Alencherry), who abused Pope Francis’s name to support his arguments and reported lies to the Eastern Congregation and the Pope. During the Synod on Synodality, he used every opportunity to spread his lies among other cardinals, bishops, priests, nuns, and seminarians. 


Fortunately, his final confidential report on the Archdiocese to the Pope was leaked by himself, and it was full of lies. No action was taken against him. Where is Rome's wisdom? "It is important to note that Archbishop Cyril Vasil is a friend of Alencherry and Andrews Thazhath!  Why did Archbishop Cyril Vasil come to India as an apostolic administrator? A decision is unjust and partial. Where is the wisdom of Rome?" 

By spreading misinformation and lies, they convinced the Pope to make a video message against the entire Diocese, and unfortunately, the Pope did it! Where is Rome's wisdom? 

Then came Bishop Bosco Puthur (who pretends to be a good person but his actions were cruel) as Apostolic Administrator. He promoted all the atrocities, with the police force, against the priests (which we witnessed through video surveillance on the morning of 11th of January 2025) who were in the bishop's house for a prayer protest to remove the criminal Curia and against the unjust acts of the Apostolic Administrator. The police force was entered in the bishop's house with the permission of the Apostolic Administrator (thus in the person of Rome).  Where is Rome's wisdom? 

Whatever amicable solution was proposed by the priests, religious, and faithful of the Archdiocese of  Ernakulam-Angamaly, the Synod of Cardinal George Alencherry's Lobby, with misinformation and lies, managed to overrule and threatened them using canonical punishments of excommunication.  Where is Rome's wisdom? 

The request for the Holy Mass facing the cross on the altar (Holy Mass that they have continued for the last 60 years) is the reason for the excommunication of the priests, religious, and faithful of the archdiocese. Where is Rome's wisdom? 

While the Catholic Church has diversity within the same rite, the bishops of the Syro-Malabar Synod lobby threaten the archdiocese with excommunication for a simple rubric. Where is Rome's wisdom? 

In the Syro-Malabar Church, the bishops accept the diversity of vestments among the bishops themselves, some dioceses use creed with the Filioque, and others do not, some use the crucifix,  others use the Marthoma sleeva (which is a later development), and we find differences in many other  things. Where is Rome's wisdom?

I wonder where Rome's Wisdom is! On one hand, the Pope speaks of peace and justice, not using the liturgy as a tool of war or ego; authority is for service, on the synodality of walking together, Fiducia  Suplicans, opening the holy door in prison, on the other hand, the Syro-Malabar Synod lobby seeks  to spread hatred among the faithful, seeks to divide and rule, uses authority as political power to  exploit, spreading misinformation and lies to the whole world abusing their economic and media power. Where is Rome's wisdom? 

has been two years since the last convocation of a presbyteral and pastoral council. The bishops of  the lobby use a fascist style of governing; instead of pastoring, they rule over. They treat others as slaves. When someone asks questions in internal forums, they suppress them abusing their authority. They officially publish lies. Where is Rome's wisdom? 

The Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly and many other dioceses (where the bishops of the lobby have implemented the uniform mode of celebration by threatening priests, religious, and faithful with canonical punishments) need justice! It is just a simple rubric! Which is theological, reasonable,  catechetical, and pastoral. Therefore, we request that Rome open its eyes and stand with justice  , not official lies. 

I wish Rome had Solomon's wisdom so that it could understand who the true mother is! The true mother would not let her child die in the hands of the bishops of the Syro Malabar Synod lobby. 


1. When we say the Syro-Malabar Synod lobby, it does not mean everyone! 2. The Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly follows the same Missal, only the rubric is not followed  (because it was added after the approval by the Holy Father). 

3. There has been no Holy Mass in the Cathedral for three years (the bishops have no problem; they  are indifferent proclaiming it as the decision of the Holy See). 

4. They use the police for the pastoral care of priests, religious, and faithful. 5. They use punishments and threats as the methods to implement the 50:50 or synodal (Syro Malabar) Mass. 

6. They abuse their power and authority and defame the entire moral and just system of the Catholic  Church!

We ask Pope Francis to rebuild the church with the wisdom of Solomon because the church  belongs to Jesus Christ! Start at least by listening to the priests, religious, and faithful of the diocese  because until today you have listened to the version told by Alencherry, Andrews Thazhath, Ciril Vasil  (friend of Andrews Thazhath), and Bosco Puthur. 

People of God from  

The Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly





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