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Vatileaks behind the Syro Malabar : Dark days of SM Church. Exposing corruption and power struggle.

Updated: Dec 30, 2023

by Wimal MaryDas

The unprecedented move by Pope Francis to release a video message on the Vatican’s YouTube platform, intending to discipline the faithful of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam with the threat of excommunication, is staggering.

Such an intense reaction from the pontiff has been rare and never seen before, though there have been several controversies in the past.

Pope Francis never released a video censuring the German Church or the laity for its stance on same-sex relationships and the role of women.

Pope Francis never released a video addressing the discord among traditional Latin Mass groups worldwide (Tridentine Mass) or on the declining trend of the Catholic faith in the Western world. 

So why only the Ernakulam archdiocese — a vibrant Catholic community of more than 600,000 faithful, 469 clergy and a large number of religious brothers and sisters

They have only ONE wish: to celebrate the Mass as Pope Francis does — facing people (versus populum). So what has trigged such a vehement reaction from the Pope?

The simple answer is the Pope is “misinformed” about the true realities of the Kerala Church. He is surrounded by a bunch of leaders with a colonial mindset and skewed views. Indians are considered as enslaved faithful under the Roman feudal kings. 

Why is Archbishop Cyril Vasil, a Slovakian prelate in Kerala, mandated to be the liturgical police, a modern inquisitor, waging the liturgical war? Who “misinformed” Pope Francis — the Chaganassery lobby of the Syro Malabar Church and a greenhorn diplomat in Pope Francis’ travelling team. Will the Pope become a puppet for a mafia group’s selfish motive?

An alarming and eye-opening investigative report.  Dark days of SM Church exposed. Be awake..

Part One

Dark days of SM Church

Exposing corruption and power struggle of riven jealousy of Chaganassery — Blackmail stories and Syro Malabar caucus in Rome.

On December 7, 2023, a press release from the headquarters of the Syro Malabar Church presented a bad omen. The Kerala media discreetly received alarming news of the hasty arrival of the Apostolic Nuncio to Kochi International Airport, Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli.

Ahead of the nuncio’s arrival, Major Archbishop Cardinal George Alencherry was advised to wait in the VIP lounge of the Kochi International Airport, where he was supposed to have a meeting with Archbishop Girelli. Cardinal Alencherry was informed well in advance about classified information coming his way — “Pontifico secreto.” 

Archbishop Girelli was sent from the Vatican to deliver it directly, demanding his affidavit concurring with the decision of the Supreme Pontiff — Rome has decided to remove Alencherry from his responsibility as Major Archbishop.  By then, Kerala media began to telecast explosive news of a “yet-to-be-confirmed news piece.”

The first reaction from Alencherry’s press office was complete denial —the chairman of the Media Commission, Archbishop Mar Joseph Pamplany, stayed silent without any immediate reactions to the highly sensitive news being aired by TV channels. Upon repeated queries, he fluttered his eyes with a giggle and a nod. The Church circles observed something serious was afoot.

The following day, an official release invited the media for a press conference at 4 p.m.  Syro Malabar headquarters revealed the “Fall of Cardinal Alencherry.”  

Though the spotlight was on his removal from office, the conspicuous absence of Archbishop Andrews Thazhath was also noticed. Soon, a breaking news flashed on the news ticker on TV channels — Archbishop Thazath had been removed from the office of apostolic administrator of the Archdiocese of Ernakulum.

The stunning news shocked and bewildered many. Why was the Major Archbishop now removed along with the so-called “Iron Bishop,” the kingpin behind the simmering liturgical tensions in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam? Within half an hour, the video of Pope Francis was released on the official Vatican YouTube platform and also on all its other channels.

Within a couple of days, Mar. Thazath appeared in an interview with Shekinah Broadcasting, supported by the Syro Malabar Church. In the interview, he claims that he made the video and the Pope asked to make him a video for this purpose… is it a glorified lie?

It is very unconventional in the Vatican circles that the Pope is releasing a video with the threat of sanctions and excommunication upon faithful who are following the clergy in celebrating the Holy Mass facing people, the way the pontiff himself celebrates.

His intent of the video message was to reprimand the clergy for not following the decision of the Syro Malabar Synod — he never disclosed the numerous emails which were the reasons why the clergy of Archdiocese of Ernakulam did not follow the directives of the SM Synod. 

Reacting to the video message, Fr. Joyce Kaithakottil said to Crux, international news, “This Pope always told us to listen to the other. Maybe he’s not yet listened to the other side that is the position of the priest and the laity.”

Pope writes on the established ground that “what the SM synod has decided you must follow.” — the omission of the story of how Syro Malabar Synod reached this point to make a decision like this — it is an offshoot of dirty politics of a few bishops and their extremist policy.

 Stay tuned... Coming up

Part three : Dirty Politics and extremist era of the Major Archbishop.

Part Four: End of extremist Era and a new dawn of hope

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